CS373 Fall 2020: Jesse Huang

Jesse Huang
2 min readSep 13, 2020

What did you do this past week?

I took a nice walk in Zilker after it rained. I ate one meal a day for three days to see how it felt, and it was pretty nice — I only had one food coma a day instead of three. For the project I’ve finished pretty much everything and I’m just waiting for tomorrow to submit.

What’s in your way?

Nothing is really in my way project-wise, but I am a bit worried about my workload in my last class Computer Vision that I’ve neglected for the sake of this class and another. Hopefully I can get started on it when project 2 for this class starts.

What will you do next week?

I’ll be working on my other classes probably with the extra break that comes with the end of a project, but I guess I’ll also continue to still get started on at least reading the newest project.

What was your experience of Collatz, the starter code, the makefile, its optimizations, and exceptions? (this question will vary, week to week)

Collatz was a pretty fun way to get into the Gitlab/Docker/etc work environment. The workflow of the project was super helpful, as I used to feel a lot of difficulty in finding a starting point in projects in the past. It really helped get and keep me on track. Makefile is amazingly useful too and makes it so I didn’t have to manually type out each test command! Docker was super easy for me to set up on MacOS, so I didn’t have to ssh or download the tools on my own laptop which barely has any space.

What made you happy this week?

I went to a lot of parks and explored when it was around sunset time which was really nice.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Although not really a tip, for those that have had a buggy experience with Docker and resorted to SSH-ing the first project I think it’s very worth to get it to work as I largely prefer it to SSH-ing.

